This photo brings to mind a lot of memories for me as I am sure it does for some of you. My grandfather grew tobacco. I never had to help prepare the plant bed but I pulled plants, set plants, and at the end of the year I helped strip the tobacco, my grandfather always insisted on tying my hands. A hand is basically a handful of tobacco, as you would get a strip the leaves from the stalk and had handful you would stop and use a leaf to tie the leaves together into a hand. My grandfather was very particular about the look of the hand so he always tied mine. This is the time of the year that those farmers still growing tobacco will cut it and put it in the barn to cure. If anyone else has memories of working in tobacco, especially with Garnet I would love to read them. -Cyndi
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This photo brings to mind a lot of memories for me as I am sure it does for some of you. My grandfather grew tobacco. I never had to help prepare the plant bed but I pulled plants, set plants, and at the end of the year I helped strip the tobacco, my grandfather always insisted on tying my hands. A hand is basically a handful of tobacco, as you would get a strip the leaves from the stalk and had handful you would stop and use a leaf to tie the leaves together into a hand. My grandfather was very particular about the look of the hand so he always tied mine. This is the time of the year that those farmers still growing tobacco will cut it and put it in the barn to cure. If anyone else has memories of working in tobacco, especially with Garnet I would love to read them. -Cyndi
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This is Robert (Bob) and Ada Belle Brandon Vance with their daughters Zona and Edna. They are
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bonnie put the photo taken of the grandchildren/great grandchildren in 1983 on the front page of the myfamily site and I realized it has been 25 years since that photo was taken. Carolyn had the idea of taking a studio photo of the children and grandchildren/great grandchildren for Mom’s birthday and she arranged to get everyone there. Mom was wondering where Timmy was going all cleaned up and finally he told her he was going to get a haircut(she nor I can remember if he actually got a haircut while he was out.) Now 25 years later those children are all grown up and we have added to the group, with our newest addition arriving today, Joshua Bradon(not sure of spelling). Hopefully we can all be together in November to update the photo.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Poppa Hanes is remembered as a quiet hard working man but occasionally he had his moments…
On his 50th birthday the family had planned a surprise party. Everyone was over at the house and the men took Poppa up to the barn so the women could sit out the party stuff. When Poppa walked into the house he took a little book out of his pocket and started reading off all the clues he had – he knew about the party all the time.