Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This is Carson Hughes(
There was a total of ten children by Harriett and possibly three others by George Lafayette’s first two wives.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Reunion Update
Time: 10:00 am
The room will be open at 10am and Alana will be taking a group photo of everyone at around 11am. We will eat when the meal can be ready after the photo. Alana has offered to set up her equipment to take family group photos also. She has asked me to pass along that photos turn out better if everyone in the photo is in a solid muted color(stripes, plaids, loud colors don’t work well). I hope we can take lots of photos of different groups, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. If you would like to check out Alana’s photography her website is www.portraitsbyalana.com.
Location: Christ United
This is Bonnie and Randy's church and they have told us that there are plates, glasses, silverware available. We do need to provide some paper plates and cups for the children, or those like me who tend to be clumsy.
Joan has volunteered to bring a Honey Baked Ham, I will bake a
Randy has said that there is a basketball court on the opposite end of the room from where we will be and we can set up TV's with movies to entertain the children.
Kristy is working on a power point presentation. Tim has volunteered to make a banner and I plan to have for each family a CD/DVD with a copy of the family genealogy, the memories book I compiled a few years ago, all the death certificates, marriage licenses and photos that I have(it looks like this could be several hundred photos).

Today, when fresh, canned, and frozen vegetables are plentiful and taken for granted, the home vegetable garden is regarded as something between a hobby and a luxury. But before the days of modern supermarkets the household vegetable garden an engine that helped many rural families pull through tough economic times. Green beans are a popular plant among home vegetable gardeners. The most commonly grown beans are the green, or snap, bean and the yellow, or wax, bean, which is a variety of the green bean. Pole beans grow 6 to 8 feet tall and require a trellis for support. They grow more slowly but produce more beans per plant.
These photos are of Pappa and Mammie Hanes in what look to be pole beans. An interesting note is that the photo of Mammy Hanes I found at Pat’s house in Loberta’s photos and the photo of Pappa was in the photos Deamer let me scan but they look to have been taken the same day.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The week of the Fourth

As I was thinking about what the Reunion Update would be for this week I decided nothing could be more appropriate than to honor the soldiers in the family. From the Revolutionary War to the War in Iraq Hanes family members have answered the call from Uncle Sam to defend the country. There were four Hanes brothers who served in the Revolutionary war along with other family members; James Ashlock and Hezekiah Blankenship among them. Many members from all the family lines fought in the Civil War for both sides. Just this week I was researching Bailey Hanes(Garnets second cousin once removed and discovered that he fought in the Spanish American War. On through the years the Hanes have served, Garnet was a soldier during WWII, Randy served in
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the