Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The week of the Fourth

As I was thinking about what the Reunion Update would be for this week I decided nothing could be more appropriate than to honor the soldiers in the family. From the Revolutionary War to the War in Iraq Hanes family members have answered the call from Uncle Sam to defend the country. There were four Hanes brothers who served in the Revolutionary war along with other family members; James Ashlock and Hezekiah Blankenship among them. Many members from all the family lines fought in the Civil War for both sides. Just this week I was researching Bailey Hanes(Garnets second cousin once removed and discovered that he fought in the Spanish American War. On through the years the Hanes have served, Garnet was a soldier during WWII, Randy served in Vietnam and as recently as a 2003 Andrew was fighting in Iraq. This July 4th let’s remember our soldiers through the years and thank those that we are able for their service. Because of them we are able to say:

I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.


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