Monday, March 31, 2008

Georgie with the Simmons girls

Georgie, Linda, and Ovie with Ruth in front. Linda, Ovie, and Ruth are daughters of Pernie Howser Simmons. They were Garnet's first cousins and their brother Terrell is the boy Georgie dated before she dated Garnet.

From the book Memories Then and Now 1993

Garnet and Georgia met at the home of Garnets aunt and uncle, who just happened to be the parents of the boy Mom was dating at the time, Terrell. Terrell was Garnets cousin and his actions brought Mom and Dad together. After that first meeting it was at a singing convention in Lafayette where they met again. Mom was there with Terrell but he decided he wanted to go to a movie with his fiends so he left her there alone. She met Garnet and spent the day with him before Terrell came back and took her home. Later she went to a ballgame with Terrell and he again took off with his friends so she spent the day with Garnet and let him take her home. One last time she went out with Terrell to the decoration day and he again spent the day with his friends swimming so she spent the day with Garnet. From then on it was her and Garnet with Terrell out of the picture. Terrell didn’t like this to well and boasted he could take Georgia away from Garnet but alas it was not to be.

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